Nothing warms a cold heart like true love, and in this newest Black Dagger Brotherhood winter book, a fighter who has never been a savior finds himself falling in love—and trying to rescue—a male who’s lost all hope.
With the BDB training center reopening, and the Brothers looking to add more soldiers in the war against the Lessening Society, fan favorite Callum decides to find his purpose in fighting. Apex knows what suffering the male has survived, and he joins the program just to make sure Callum doesn’t get himself killed. As the two hit the streets, and the danger gets real, Callum must decide whether he can open himself up to love or if he will give in to his inner darkness and spiral down into an abyss of hatred and death...forever.
Erscheint am 5. November 24 (Quelle Amazon)
Anzahl der Beiträge : 27638 Ort : Bei meinen Brüdern Arbeit/Hobbys : Mit dem coolsten Engel ever abhängen Laune : Gelassen
Wissenswertes Partner: Autumn bes. Merkmale: Meine hohe Toleranzschwelle^^ Rasse :
Thema: Re: A Bloom in Winter So 14 Apr 2024 - 20:41